From This Blog To The New York Times
First of all, hope everyone's having a Merry Christmas!
Just wanted to point out that my friend Marykate was contacted by a reporter at the New York Times who saw her nightmare cab ride tale on this very blog. So, while "apparently" the Times won't give me any "credit", just know that, for the first time in history, MY BLOG scooped the NEW YORK TIMES.

Will you excuse me? I have some tap shoes that need affixing.
Read the article here: Hey Stranger, Share A Taxi? Not Today
Or: The Printer Friendly Version
OK enough self-indulgence on this selfless holiday. Christmas! Hooray.
Just wanted to point out that my friend Marykate was contacted by a reporter at the New York Times who saw her nightmare cab ride tale on this very blog. So, while "apparently" the Times won't give me any "credit", just know that, for the first time in history, MY BLOG scooped the NEW YORK TIMES.

Will you excuse me? I have some tap shoes that need affixing.
Read the article here: Hey Stranger, Share A Taxi? Not Today
Or: The Printer Friendly Version
OK enough self-indulgence on this selfless holiday. Christmas! Hooray.