I Do Say

"I do say: Today's banah-nahs were rather mashy. I've told Bahzil one hundred times, I like my banah-nahs fuhm, not mashhhay. I don't like them mashay. Frankly, I don't even like banah-nahs at awl. Say, do you gather we could eat somewhere else now and again? I am so tired of the PEEEE-ople around here. I figure we could at least travel, what would you say, about 40 meters west? See what's there? Hmm? Nigel, what has gotten into you today? You haven't ANN-swered a SIN-gle whurd I'm saying. Nigel? Hmmmmm?"
Tomorrow night, I will be debuting something I've been dreaming of doing for years:
Les Miserables In 10 Minutes.
Yes, you read that right. I will try to condense Les Mis into a 10 minute time slot, without losing major plot points or songs. It will be a treat, I can assure you that, and will take place at my fave show in New York "The Most Comfortable Show in NYC". Here's the info:
This Week Nick and John welcome...
Rob Latham (UCB Star and All Around Gentleman)
Ahna Tessler and Lauren Engel
Best Week Ever's Pete Holmes
From STELLA and "Wet Hot American Summer", Michael Showalter
and me.
See them all Thursday, Dec 1 at...
332 E. 11th ST (btwn 1st and 2nd Ave)
8 PM
I believe the show is free.

Finally, a BIG THANKS to the Rich-Shea family for hosting me like a poor Latvian at this year's Thanksgiving Bash. Nothing like eating 14 pounds of tofu and working it off in a 4-hour long ping pong tournament consisting mostly of bending down to pick the ball up. And special thanks to Atara and Jared for not stabbing me in my sleep.