Horny Horny Hippo

My Personal Life is None of Your Business.
From Ananova:
Europe's Oldest Hippo has Been Put on the Pill
Europe's oldest hippo has been put on the pill to curb her sexual appetite and safeguard her health.
Zoo keepers were stunned to see 53-year-old Bullette energetically mate with her long-term partner Ede last week.
But vets warned that after having 20 calves, frisky Bullette is too old to give birth again, adding they were amazed she had shown any interest in sex.
Berlin Zoo spokesperson Ragnar Kuehne said vets were now giving the three-ton hippopotamus a specially prepared contraceptive pill the size of a bread roll every Friday.
Mmmmm.... Birth Control Dinner Rolls. It would certainly give new meaning to the Pillsbury Doughboy getting poked in the stomach and giggling.
You know what would make for great Iraqi prison torture? Feeding inmates birth-control-rolls and watching their reactions when their fresh-grown tata's are "tender." Although I really wouldn't want to be around for their mood swings - youch! Memo to Iraqi prisoners: It's no fun.