I spent the better part of my day today in bed, headache ablaze, feeling ill because I knew that at 9 pm tonight, my favorite show would be ending. I had a dream during a poorly executed afternoon doze that my family and friends were watching the finale in all these different rooms, and I kept running from room to room, missing the ENTIRE show. Then I woke up wondering if my dream was real, if I really HAD missed the show, just like when I was in Kindergarden and woke up from a nap thinking I had missed my first ever date with this kid named Kevin, a short, tan little guy who looked not unlike a grown-up Jon Lovitz. Luckily, I hadn't, and my mom took us to the mall, where she bought us pencils and treated us to a showing of "The Aristocats."
Anyway, I decided it would be best for me to catch the finale with some friends... I didn't want to be in my room looking around with glistening cheeks for someone to talk to. So I shlepped down to Brooklyn, where I knew of a few friends catching the show.
Before the episode began, I was raving about how good the HBO On Demand trailer music was. One song in particular, used for a Six Feet Under trailer, was called "Breathe Me" by Sia. I've had the song on my Ipod for a while now, and whenever it comes on, I feel like I'm in my own movie, much like when the Beegees lesser known hit "Fannie Be Tender With My Love" comes blasting through my h-phones.
The episode begins, and I won't give anything away other than that I am truly sorry it's over, and that Alan Ball's inclusion of "Just Shoot Me" was the final nail in the brilliance coffin. That being said, I nearly had a KAH-NIP-SHUN when Claire pops Ted's "Unhip Mix" in the CD player... and sure enough...
"Breathe Me" by Sia starts playing! The last song to play in the series is one that I have completely already bonded with on many a commute/long walk.
I teared up a bit, but the many many emotional walls I've built prevented me from an outright bawl session circa "Man Without A Face." I plan on watching the finale many times over on Demand (God Bless It), to try to come to terms with the fact that I have nothing but "Curb Your Enthusiasm" left to be excited about, and maybe even having a good cry, alone, in my room, where no one can judge me for feeling.
Although, for those of you who DID watch, Billy's makeup in the last 10 minutes had the ENTIRE ROOM hysterically laughing.
Feel free to post your comments about the episode -- I'd love to know what you guys think!
We'll miss ya guy.UPDATE: Here's a link to the song, courtesy of
Stereogum. (thanks
listed each character's obituary... I'll paste them below for helpful and immediate healing:
Ruth O'Connor Fisher
Ruth Fisher was born in Pasadena in 1946 and died at Good Samaritan Hospital of Glendale on Wednesday. She graduated from Pasadena High School in 1963 and stayed home to raise three children before opening the Four Paws Pet Retreat in Topanga Canyon twenty years ago.
She is survived by her loving companion George Sibley, her sister Sarah O'Connor, her son David Fisher of Los Angeles and her daughter Claire Fisher of New York City. Ruth will also be missed by her four cherished grandchildren - Maya Fisher, Willa Chenowith, and Anthony and Durrell Charles-Fisher.
Viewing will be held on Saturday, March 15th at 2 p.m. at Fisher & Sons Funeral Home at 2302 W. 25th Street in Los Angeles. Private burial to follow.
Keith Dwayne Charles
Keith Charles, founder of Charles Security Company, was born in 1968 in San Diego. He died suddenly at work on Tuesday morning.
Keith attended West Point Military Academy, graduating with a degree in Criminology in 1989. He served the city of Los Angeles as a member of the LAPD for nine years before joining the security industry. He leaves behind his devoted husband David Fisher and loving sons Durrell and Anthony Charles-Fisher, his grandson Matthew, his sister Karla Charles and his niece Taylor Benoit of Carlsbad. Keith is pre-deceased by his parents Roderick and Lucille Charles of San Diego. Memorial service will be held on Sunday, February 18th at 2 p.m. at Fisher & Sons Funeral Home at 2302 W. 25th Street in Los Angeles.
David James FisherBorn January 20, 1969. Died at the age of 75 in Echo Park. He was proud owner and operator of Fisher & Sons Funeral Home of Los Angeles for over forty years. After retiring in 2034, he went on to perform in dozens of local theater productions, including Weill and Brecht's "Threepenny Opera," Rossini's "The Barber of Seville," and as Ebenezer Scrooge in Dickens' "A Christmas Carol." David leaves behind his partner Raoul Martinez, his beloved sons Durrell and Anthony Charles-Fisher, his sister Claire Fisher and his three precious grandchildren Matthew, Keith, and Katie. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the Southern California Opera Association.
Hector Federico Diaz
Died at the age of 75 while vacationing with his wife in Puerto Rico. Federico graduated from Cyprus College in 1997 with a degree in Mortuary Science. He worked as a restorative artist for several years before becoming part owner of Fisher & Diaz Funeral Home on 25th Street. In 2005, Federico opened the Diaz Family Mortuary on DeLongpre Avenue in Hollywood, where he served the community for 35 years before retiring.
Pre-deceased by his parents Mauricio and Lilia Diaz of Los Angeles. He was married to his beloved wife Vanessa for 54 years and leaves behind his cherished sons Julio and Augusto and his three grandchildren: Emily, Celestina and Vincent.
Memorial service will be held at Diaz Family Mortuary on Saturday, February 16th at 11:00 a.m. Funeral mass will be held at 9:30 a.m. the following day at St. Paul's Catholic Church in Atwater Village.
Brenda ChenowithBrenda Chenowith was born July 19, 1969 and died at the age of 82 at home. She earned her Masters Degree in Social Work at California State University of Los Angeles and a PhD in Theories of Human Behavior at University of Southern California.
Brenda wrote several books about the role of the gifted child in family development. She is considered to be one of the most distinguished scholars in that field of study, adding several courses to the Social Work curriculum at USC. She developed research methodologies to conclusively prove the link between deviant human behavior and fetal alcohol exposure. As a child, Brenda was the subject of the book "Charlotte Light and Dark" by Gareth Feinberg, PhD.
Brenda will be dearly missed by her beloved children Maya Fisher, Willa Chenowith, and Forrest Nathanson, her loving husband Daniel Nathanson, and her brother William Chenowith of Malibu. Private services will be held Wednesday March 9th at Deep Creek Nature Preserve. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to a charity of your choice.
Claire Simone Fisher
1983 - 2085Born March 13, 1983. Died February 11, 2085 in Manhattan. Claire grew up in Los Angeles and studied art at LAC-Arts College. She worked as an advertising and fashion photographer and photojournalist for nearly fifty years, creating several memorable covers for Washington Post magazine, W, and The Face. Claire often exhibited her work in New York and London art galleries and in a time when nearly everyone else in her field had turned to digital scanning and computer-driven imaging, she continued to use a silver-based photographic process. Claire began teaching photography as a faculty member at New York University's Tisch School of the Arts in 2018, earning tenure in 2028. She's pre-deceased by her beloved husband Ted Fairwell.